On the Road with ApologetiX:
Cornerstone Festival in Bushnell, IL Sat, Jul 2, 2005
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"Cobblestone" festival as the gas station attendant mistakenly called it is an interesting experience.

"Cobblestone" festival as the gas station attendant mistakenly called it is an interesting experience.

Shane would like to be a guitarist so I let him take a picture on stage with my guitar, turns out he lives in PA very near us, and works in KEITH'S TOWN!

Shane would like to be a guitarist so I let him take a picture on stage with my guitar, turns out he lives in PA very near us, and works in KEITH'S TOWN!

Almost paid this guy for his shirt.

Almost paid this guy for his shirt.

The seminars were packed, even if the concerts weren't

The seminars were packed, even if the concerts weren't

JUST before we started to play, hundreds of people descended on our tent

JUST before we started to play, hundreds of people descended on our tent

And filled the place

And filled the place

We had a WONDERFUL time our first time at Cornerstone. They said they might have us back if folks <a href="http://www.cornerstonefestival.com/information.cfm?page=contact" target=_blank> write them</a> that they enjoyed us :)

We had a WONDERFUL time our first time at Cornerstone. They said they might have us back if folks write them that they enjoyed us :)

We need to teach her some better hand signals- everytime someone makes that sign in the audience, we get emails about the satanic sign. For the record, what she's (unknowingly, I'm sure) doing is called the "Mano Cornuto" and was considered a satanic symbol. Kids today think it means "rock on."

We need to teach her some better hand signals- everytime someone makes that sign in the audience, we get emails about the satanic sign. For the record, what she's (unknowingly, I'm sure) doing is called the "Mano Cornuto" and was considered a satanic symbol. Kids today think it means "rock on."

Thanks for the hat!

Thanks for the hat!

Ezekiel's Eye went on after us. They rocked!

Ezekiel's Eye went on after us. They rocked!

Ezekiel's Eye went on after us. They rocked!

Ezekiel's Eye went on after us. They rocked!