Crowd shot masthead ApologetiX Logo Keith Haynie plays bassBill Hubauer plays lead guitarJ. Jackson sings leadJimmy Vegas Tanner plays drums

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Versailles, OH
Sunday, September 1 at 9:30pm

Come See ApologetiX Live!

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Tuesday, November 30, 1999

(please plan to arrive 15-30 minutes prior)


Mapquest™ Directions from Your House:
For our fans, we provide driving directions for free. If you're in the free fan club, we'd already know your address. We didn't recognize you, so put in your email, and address, and we'll add you to the fan club, and you can get directions for concerts, some CDs that no one else can get, lyrics, and other cool things. We know you by your email address, and you'll have to use your correct email address.

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