Crowd shot masthead ApologetiX Logo Keith Haynie plays bassBill Hubauer plays lead guitarJ. Jackson sings leadJimmy Vegas Tanner plays drums

Did J. do his own stunts in the "Downer of a Sister" DVD?

Of course. And he had bloody knuckles for a week after the "Downer of a Sister" video shoot. But he still couldn't play both of his roles simultaneously in scenes where both characters appeared.

Enter Phil Graebing, a fan who owned ApologetiX CDs but had never seen the band in concert or even in person before the day of the video shoot. When our lead guitartist/producer Karl noticed Phil's similar height and build to our lead singer J. Jackson, he immediately recruited him for as J.'s body double for the roles of both Jacob and Leah. Since the portion of the video with J. as Jacob was shot first, that meant Phil got to try the Leah costume out even before J. did.

Perhaps the funniest moment of the entire day occurred in between takes of the "Holy monkey's eyebrow" scene, when J. asked Phil what he did for a living, and Phil quietly answered from under the covers, "I'm a chemist." Not only was Phil a good sport throughout a long day of video shooting, he even had enough forgiveness left in his heart for the band that he actually did come to see them in concert in Pittsburgh later in the summer.