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Why did you spoof Linkin Park on "Corinthians?"

Some Linkin Park fans have taken offense at the fact that we spoofed their song "In the End" ("Corinthians") on our "Grace Period" CD.  They ask why we felt it necessary to change the words to what they consider to be a perfectly good song both musically and lyrically. Here's what ApologetiX lead singer and lyricist J. Jackson has to say:

Granted, there are many, many songs that we spoof that have appalling lyrics in their original form.  But that's not the primary reason we spoof them.  We do this because we specialize in parodies. It's a talent God has given us, and we like to spoof all forms of music.  We're not saying that Linkin Park's original version is bad or immoral, although it is pretty sad.  The singer is bitter and despondent ("in the end, it doesn't really matter) over his former girlfriend/lover who treated him badly.   In the end, nobody wins in that song.  

When we decided to spoof that song, I thought about that song and how both of them probably thought they had loved each other at one time in the past, and in the end, neither one really did; she treated him wrong, and he ends up bitter with nothing really good to say about her.  I thought about our concept today of love and how it's so different from what the Bible says real love is like.  Real love is patient, kind, isn't jealous, doesn't keep a record of wrongs, etc.  It's a startling contrast and that makes for good parody.

Plenty of people like our parody, "Corinthians," but it's O.K. if you don't.  We understand your feelings (if it hurts you when you think somebody is making fun of Linkin Park, imagine how we feel as millions make fun of Jesus Christ and Christianity), but we did want you to know that we're not trying to make fun of Linkin Park or say that their original song isn't good.  It's a very well-crafted song.  

There's a place in this world for songs about lovers who've done the other wrong — that's a longstanding theme of the blues and rock and roll.  Just remember that there is also a place in this world for Christian parodies.  Hope that clears things up for you and takes the sting out of it.