Crowd shot masthead ApologetiX Logo Keith Haynie plays bassBill Hubauer plays lead guitarJ. Jackson sings leadJimmy Vegas Tanner plays drums

What's the story behind Never Before, but Then Again ...?

Never before have we released a CD like this one. Although it's our 63rd overall, this is our first CD on which every track is a parody of an artist we've never before spoofed. Even our earliest CDs had at least some parodies of artists we'd already covered in concert or on homemade cassettes that predated our CDs.

But then again, the era of music we spoofed on this CD is the same as the CD that directly preceded it, Get Rich Quick. Those were all parodies of hits from the mid-80's, and we decided to spoof a bunch of songs from then again.

This CD contains a suite of songs (tracks 8-11) in which ApX lead singer and lyricist J. Jackson recounts how he came to Christ after college, started reading and studying the Bible, and wound up singing in a Christian band. Never before had he expected any of those things to happen. But then again, as he looks back now, J. can see how the Lord was at work in His life from childhood.

Never before had anyone spoken and taught the way Jesus did. The crowds noticed it (Matthew 7:28-29), and even the temple guards acknowledged it (John 7:46). But then again, so much of what He said was quoting from the Old Testament. But then again again, Jesus was (and still is) the Word of God.

If you come to Christ, you'll experience joy like never before. But then again, you don't have to take our word for it. Take His Word for it!