Crowd shot masthead ApologetiX Logo Keith Haynie plays bassBill Hubauer plays lead guitarJ. Jackson sings leadJimmy Vegas Tanner plays drums

Does ApologetiX do benefit concerts?

Yes, ApologetiX does a fair amount of benefit concerts, and we try to do everything we can to help people make their benefit concert as successful as possible. One way to do a successful benefit concert is to raise money and budget enough for a band and promotion and then have all the profit go to the cause for which the concert is being held. Another way is to arrange for part of the profits from a concert to go the band and the rest to the cause.

There are also quite a few expenses involved in putting on a concert and in running a band with full-time members such as ApologetiX. The band supports six families, and we have 17 children among us, so there are many mouths to feed. Other expenses involved with running a band include fuel, airfare, lodging, musical equipment, sound system, health care, administrative, publicity, advertising, office, auto repair/maintenance, computer, phone, etc. Consequently, things like that are built in the price of a concert, because otherwise, you can't keep an operation of this size afloat.

For the first six years of our existence as ApologetiX, we pretty much played for whatever people decided to give us (if anything at all), and that allowed us to barely survive, but we also were only doing it as a part-time weekend thing, and none of the band members made a cent. Eventually, we got so busy that we had to start bringing members on full time.

We also discovered an unusual thing; when an event is planned and budgeted and set up with a contract, the concert promoters put a lot more effort into organizing the event, taking the event seriously and making sure people attend. We write this with the experience of a band that did years and years of free concerts. Our lead singer also co-managed a Christian coffee house two nights a week from 1992-94, so we're familiar with that end of things, too.

We'd certainly be interested in talking to you about possibly scheduling a concert. Please email us at for more info.