Crowd shot masthead ApologetiX Logo Keith Haynie plays bassBill Hubauer plays lead guitarJ. Jackson sings leadJimmy Vegas Tanner plays drums
as of May 19, 2024
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Get Multiple Downloads for One Donation
Sat., May. 18, 2024 6:03pm EDT

There are now 241 singles/EPs (488 songs) in our "downloads for a donation" series. Want to donate once and get multiple downloads?


Recent News:
05.18.24Over 1650 Tracks for $100
05.17.24This Week's Bible-Reading
05.17.24Influential Albums 1465-1471
05.17.24The Stories Behind the Songs on This Single

Yesterday's News!

For years, we've kept in touch with our fans via weekly emails. AND we've saved most of them for diehard fans and archeologists.

News archive >>

ApologetiX Trivia

What national secular radio personality played 10 songs off Grace Period when it came out?

answer >>

ApologetiX on the Web

We can't keep up with all of them, but there are several ApologetiX related fan sites and web rings on the web. Take a peek get the conversations going, and show your support there!

Can you Prove it? :)

So we don't spoil the surprise for folks who don't have the CD yet, you have to be a fan club member and prove you own the CD to see its lyrics. I'll ask you a question about what's printed on the disc. No fair borrowing a friend's CD ;)

Ok, get your CDs ready, here we go!

Since I don't recognize the computer you're on right now as a fan's computer, let's make sure you're in the club:

Fan Club Members

Confirmed Fan club members see exclusive stuff like free MP3's, fan club-only CDs, lyrics and distance to concerts.

If I don't recognize your address, I'll instantly send you an email to confirm it's your correct email.Let me know if you don't get it. (So you need a real email address)


If you're in the club, we'll know you by your email address. If not, we'll get your name and zipcode on the next screen.