Crowd shot masthead ApologetiX Logo Keith Haynie plays bassBill Hubauer plays lead guitarJ. Jackson sings leadJimmy Vegas Tanner plays drums

Can I send emails to the band members?

Of course! The members of ApologetiX get hundreds of emails each week, and we're very grateful for all of them!

We do try to answer each one, but some of us are faster than others at responding, and sometimes we are able to respond more quickly than other times.

We don't want you to think we're being unappreciative or smart-alecs here, but there are a few things you can do to ensure your email gets responded to ASAP:

1. The shorter the email, the easier it is to respond to. The more questions you ask and things you say that require comments from us, the longer it takes to respond. If we're answering emails on the fly, those emails usually have to go to the back burner so we can answer all the other ones.

2. If you do send a lengthy email, please break it into paragraphs after every few sentences! We get many emails that are just one long solid block of text, which is next-to-impossible to read, and the first thing we have to do is break it into paragraphs ourselves. The easiest-to-read emails get the quickest responses.

3. Before you ask a question, please check the FAQ section of our website. We have 200 Frequently Asked Questions answered there in great detail, and many of the email questions we're asked are already answered there. If you've never checked that part of the website out, we'll think you'll find it both informative and funny.

4. Please be patient with us. If we don't respond right away, it doesn't mean your email isn't important to us. We all have families to attend to and there's a lot of other "behind the scenes" work that goes into being in the band.

5. If it's been a while since you sent the email, and you haven't gotten a response, don't be afraid to send it again. Some of us have had computers crash, emails accidentally deleted, or emails that never got to us, etc. We don't want your email to slip through the cracks.

6. Remember that we really, really appreciate you for being our friend and our fan. As we often say, we need all the friends we can get, and we are very honored that so many of you choose to write us. Thank you for your patience, your friendship, and your encouragement.